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Fall Prevention

Wednesday, April 16 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Members & guests: free, via Zoom. RSVP below to attend this event.

The Chicago Area Villages Collaborative has partnered with Person Centered Care Solutions to offer a virtual presentation addressing fall prevention. Many individuals have fallen or have a concern about the risk of falling, whether at home or while out and about. This presentation will be led by a physical and occupational therapist and will address the intrinsic and extrinsic causes of falls, how to determine if you are at an increased risk for falls, as well as the relationship between fear of falling and fall prevention. There will also be a discussion surrounding fall risk in an individual who is facing cognitive changes or a dementia or other neurodegenerative disease diagnosis.

About the presenters:

Monisha Jain, MSPT, CMT, DCCS is a licensed physical therapist with 25 years of experience across the healthcare continuum including hospital, post-acute care, community and home settings. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and her master’s degree from Duke University. She is also credentialed as an aging life care professional, a certified orthopedic specialist and a dementia capable care specialist.

Rhonda Guzman, MA, OTR/L, CDP is an occupational therapist with 27 years of experience across the healthcare continuum who also obtained her master’s degree in gerontology. She also maintains aging life care professional credentials, and is also a certified dementia practitioner, dementia capable care specialist and memory care/activity program consultant.

About Person Centered enior Solutions - Meet Rhonda GuzmanAbout Person Centered Senior Solutions - Meet Monisha Jain


(04.16.25) Fall Prevention The Zoom link for this event will be sent 24 hours in advance of the program. Thank you for registering!
Send RSVP confirmation to:


Wednesday, April 16
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Reservations required for all events.
  • For virtual programs, links will be sent to registered attendees via email the day before the event.
  • For in-person programs, The Village Chicago aims to match participating members by request to Village events when other members who are attending the event are able to provide transportation.  When registering, please let the Village office know if you are able to drive or would like a ride by emailing or calling 773.248.8700.
  • To propose a program for the Village, Click Here.