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Guided Tour of mHub

Thursday, April 3 @ 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm


Please register each person individually. Please note you must register separately for the self-hosted dinner.


Location: mHub (1623 W Fulton)
Members & guests: Free.
Dinner after the tour: self-hosted The Greek Islands restaurant (200 S Halsted)

Join the Life 3.0 Committee for a 45 minute guided tour of mHub, Chicago’s hardtech
incubator. As a part of our committee’s continuing series to visit interesting places in
the city and suburbs, we have organized this brief and exciting tour of mHub’s new
three story facility at 1623 West Fulton, (Ashland and Fulton). The facility is filled with
state-of-the-art rapid prototyping, 3-D printing and computer-controlled manufacturing
equipment along with workspaces for companies. (

mHub was created in 2017 to answer the need of start-ups wanting to create physical
objects to solve some of society’s major problems in manufacturing, clean technologies
and medical devices. Village member David Baker helped with the early development
of mHub, serving on the original board of directors.

Free parking is available on a “first come first served” basis in the mHub parking lot,
entrance on Fulton St., behind the building.

We will drive to a self hosted dinner at The Greek Islands restaurant for an early dinner
after the tour. Free valet parking is available at the Greek Islands.



RSVP (04.03.25) Guided Tour of mHub
RSVP DINNER (self-hosted) Greek Islands after (04.03.25) Guided Tour of mHub
Send RSVP confirmation to:


Thursday, April 3
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm


1623 W Fulton St
Chicago, IL 60612 United States
+ Google Map
  • Reservations required for all events.
  • For virtual programs, links will be sent to registered attendees via email the day before the event.
  • For in-person programs, The Village Chicago aims to match participating members by request to Village events when other members who are attending the event are able to provide transportation.  When registering, please let the Village office know if you are able to drive or would like a ride by emailing or calling 773.248.8700.
  • To propose a program for the Village, Click Here.