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 Materialities Exhibition at The Driehaus Museum, Presented by the Life 3.0 Committee

Saturday, April 5 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Members & guests: free. RSVP requested. Please RSVP to lunch and the tour separately.

The Life 3.0 Committee invites you to a tour of the Driehaus Museum featuring its current Materialities exhibition on Saturday, April 5, at 1 pm. The event is free as a part of the Driehaus Museum’s Community Days and will feature artists Jonas N.T. Becker and Adam Brooks and Mathew Wilson from Industry of the Ordinary at the Museum from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm to chat with visitors, and will be joined by guest curator Dr. Giovanni Aloi.

Members and guests can join Village member Darcy Evon and other Life 3.0 members for a casual self-hosted lunch at Giordano’s, 730 N. Rush at 11:45 am, and then walk to the Driehaus Museum to see the exhibition.

More information on this exhibition can be found at:



TOUR RSVP TOUR (04.05.25) Driehaus Museum
LUNCH RSVP LUNCH (04.05.25) Driehaus Museum
Send RSVP confirmation to:


Saturday, April 5
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Dreihaus Museum
50 E Erie Street
Chicago, il 60611
+ Google Map
  • Reservations required for all events.
  • For virtual programs, links will be sent to registered attendees via email the day before the event.
  • For in-person programs, The Village Chicago aims to match participating members by request to Village events when other members who are attending the event are able to provide transportation.  When registering, please let the Village office know if you are able to drive or would like a ride by emailing or calling 773.248.8700.
  • To propose a program for the Village, Click Here.