Location: The Village Chicago office (2502 N Clark St) Members & guests: free Join member Ray Enriquez for a welcoming and informal Spanish conversation class. Various levels are welcome – this is a place to practice your spoken Spanish whether you are just beginning or more advanced. Space is limited – register now!
Members only–free. To RSVP, please scroll down. The day before the discussion, a confirmation email will be sent to registered attendees with additional details to join via Zoom. An informal ’round table’ morning coffee chat via Zoom with fellow Villagers to catch up on local issues, share your opinions, ideas, memories, have some laughs and increase […]
Members & guests–free. To RSVP, please scroll down. The day before each discussion, registered attendees will receive a confirmation email with a link to join via Zoom. RSVP to Join! This is an ongoing discussion group. After you register, you will receive weekly emails with Zoom details and a link to that week’s story. While […]
Members & guests: free Join member Beverly Livingston for a welcoming and informal French conversation class. This is a place to practice your speaking skills and learn some colloquial French. Various levels are welcome, but some experience is suggested. Register now!
Location: via Zoom Members & guests: free. Join us for an illuminating virtual presentation exploring how speech language pathologists can be powerful allies in supporting individuals living with dementia and memory disorders. In this dynamic one-hour session, our expert presenter will share innovative communication strategies, practical interventions, and compassionate approaches that can dramatically improve quality […]
Members & guests–free Available to rent for $3.99 or buy for $9.99 on Amazon Prime. Also included with Amazon Prime subscription Every Saturday afternoon, join fellow film aficionados of the Village for an in-depth discussion of films new and old, led by Village member Mel Washburn. Watch the selected film any time–or enjoy the discussion […]