Members & guests: free
The media has been filling the airwaves with scary predictions of artificial intelligence and its cataclysmic impact on human society, including the 2024 elections. In this session, the Men’s Group will hear about three of the most notable concerns – deep fakes, impact on education, and loss of jobs – and how we individually might deal with these aspects of AI. No technology background is required.
Important: Before attending this session, please watch these video clips online:
· “Jordan Peele uses AI, President Obama in fake news PSA”, GMA, April 2018,
· “The incredible creativity of deepfakes — and the worrying future of AI”,
· “How AI could save (not destroy) education”, Khan Academy, April 2023, Sal Khan: How AI could save (not destroy) education (15:38)
Although the session requires no special technology background, we are assuming all attendees are familiar with an overview of AI, including its value and its problem areas. If not, you are strongly requested to read beforehand the short primer on the key aspects of AI required to discuss the topic. This PDF is available upon request.
Transcripts of the video are also available upon request. Please contact [email protected].